• Local Baseball Coaching

    Nate Buttenfield

Sharing from Years of Baseball Experience

Baseball is my skill, people are my passion. I am excited to be sharing from my years of baseball experience, as both a minor league player and a coach of many youth ages and sports.  I have always tried to bring excitement to any team and a never-ending positive attitude.  I believe that all kids can succeed, and achieve their goals with the right direction and the desire to get better.  “Every professional was once a beginner!”  I love that quote, and oh how true it is.   Dream big, work hard, make it happen!  That’s a motto I’ll always live by.   I’ll be posting different how-to’s, and tidbits from my life. Join me on this journey.


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Just an FYI of why I have been posting about myself the past year… for these three right here!  Because of our unique la...
What a great memory to relive! They called me “The Rookie” when I played at the Lehigh Valley's version of “Field of Dre...
Another first day in the books.  Fun stuff.
Any golfers out there, my cousin runs a wonderful gold scramble fundraiser for the handicap.  Pittsburgh North golf cour...
I love to pass on knowledge I’ve learned over the course of my pitching career! Need some resources for becoming or coac...
Room fix up for my Aunt and Uncle.  Paint and floors. Glad they trusted me, it really brightened up the room.